HoopPlay USA & USA Basketball Tournament Alliance - Battle Of The Mid-South Showcase 8
All coaches and bench personnel participating in any division at the ALLIANCE TOURNAMENT NAME must have a valid USA Basketball Coach License on file with USA Basketball prior to the start of the tournament. The coach license process requires successfully passing a background check which generally takes 7-10 business days. To obtain a coach license, visit https:// community.usab.com/.
This tournament will be played by USA Basketball Tournament/National Federation of State High School Associations rules. • For a full list of USA Basketball Tournament rules click HERE and for a comparison to National Federation of State High School Associations rules click HERE or • For a full list of National Federation of State High School Associations rules click HERE
It is the responsibility of the head coach to provide age and grade (if applicable) verification for players at any time throughout the tournament. Permitted forms of player age verification include birth certificates, passports and government-issued IDs (originals, hard copies or digital copies). Permitted forms of player grade verification include school-issued report cards or school administrator confirmation of grade issued on school letterhead (originals, hard copies or digital copies).